Reasons Why You Should Live In A Condo

Despite being pronounced constantly, you seldom stop to think about the meaning of the word condominium. In practice, living in a condominium is not always as simple as it sounds. If the reasons that generate disagreements in this exercise of sharing a common space were enumerated, we would have a kilometric list. Here are some reasons for the confusion, which are not limited to the four walls of the apartment: noise, dispute for parking space, pets, and disagreements between children and teenagers (these are the most recurrent examples).

Outsiders may think that the reasons mentioned above are trivial and that in no way would they be able to generate fights and relationship problems between tenants and employees of the building. But those who live in a condominium know that any small problem can take on unexpected dimensions and become a “problem,” depending on the treatment given to the case. Check washing machine for condo (เครื่องซักผ้า คอนโด which is the term in Thai) here.

As a matter of our educational system, children do not have well-established limits, which makes a living in the common area difficult. There is also a fight over the garage. As some places have a severe parking problem, visitors cannot stop on the street or are afraid to leave their car outside, and condominiums have a limited number of spaces. It’s not possible for the father, the mother, or the boyfriend to stop in the garage of the building.

The entry of non-residents is another source of disagreement. Pizza delivery is a classic problem. Everyone knows that there is a risk in letting the delivery man go up to the apartment, but the resident insists and always wants to find a way. Teenagers and drugs are complex issues to manage as well. 

Several landlords ask how far they can go and the legal implications because the young man who uses hard drugs attracts dealers, leaving the condominium extremely fragile. The condominium can impose rules for the service provider, but it is more complicated for the visitor since the resident himself authorizes his entry.

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