Top Things to Consider While Ordering a Shopfitting Project

Shopfitting is important for any street store or shop. The entire store architecture or shop revolves around the pattern of shopfitting. With shopfitting, you can provide your store with a new a look and make your products more visible. Whether it is a shoe store, a garment outlet or a grocery store, shopfitting can be very useful for you. It can be useful for visitors and help describe all the product details to them. Before hiring Shopfitters Newcastle for a shopfitting project, here are some important things to consider.


You have to hire a shopfitter who is reputed, and can help you with the layout and scheme without charging you a fee to you upfront. A shopfitting job can be quite costly, but you should not avoid a mention of the important items for the sake of expenses – such as:

  • Flooring
  • Lighting
  • Ceilings

The expenses made on all these products might appear as wasteful. However, these can actually improve your store, boost footfall and ensure a raise in your sales revenues. The best Shopfitters Newcastlecan help take care of all these things, and provide you with the best kind of schemes.


It is important to check whether there is a section of a stock room which can be used for enlarging the retail space or a stock room or some additional space that can be used. Make sure that the isle width is not very narrow. It should ideally be 900 – 1200 mm in width.

The counter position needs to be accessible easily, and there should be enough space at the back to let you and your store staffs work easily, without colliding with each other. The front area of the counter should be spacious enough, to allow two people walk comfortably, not bumping into one another. You need Shopfitters Newcastleto ensure this for your store.

Placement of items

Keep in mind that fast moving goods have to be put as far from the door as possible, so that customers are drawn through the entire floor and other products (that they might be interested in) catch their eye as well. Make sure that your Shopfitters Newcastle put promotional banners, with attractive graphics, here are there at strategic points. These should be regularly updated, depending on the latest arrivals and the availability of older stocks or any new discount / sale offer that is prevailing at any given time.

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